Monday, March 7, 2011

We goofed! Users rejoice!

I made a mistake late last night that leaked some new features to before we were ready.  It has some important things in it:

  1. Much slicker popup experiences in a few places, especially around feedback
  2. The emotions wheel in the Daily Mirror is now clickable.  Click on an emotion to insert it into your write-up.  Several people asked for this, now you have it!
  3. Communication mails - There's now a setting in your profile to receive (infrequent) notification mailings.  This is separate from daily mailings, so you now have more fine-grained control.

You might wonder how this mistake happened, so here's a peek under the covers.  We keep 2 versions of the site: staging and production.  On Staging, we test the changes amongst the members of Stark Raving Bits to ensure that they're ready to go live. Production is what everyone else sees, and we try to make the code as rock solid as possible on staging before we push to production.  If you ever wonder why you don't see as much from Dean, Scott, and Ed on, it's because we use the staging site as our daily fix while ironing out as many kinks as possible.  I mistakenly pushed to production instead of staging last night when celebrating a challenging bug fix.

The good news, the oops seems to work really well, so we'll keep it live.  You get some new features even earlier than we intended.  Enjoy, and please let us know what you think.

It's habit forming.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

.26 released on 3/5 - Visual enhancements

We're experimenting with iterating faster to bring you changes as we have them.  This release comes just 6 days after the release of .25.  We have 3 themes to this release:
  1. Visual improvements - We tightened up the dashboard, New font and updated logo, consistent colors, custom error messages (if you hit a page error)
  2. It's easier for you to know when the admin got back to one of your comments, if you have emails turned on. 
  3. Improved statistics - We brought back a visualization of the time spent on DailyMirror, now as a sparkline.  Additionally, all ratings on the site now show as stars instead of text. Over time you will see more use of sparklines and tighter data visualizations.
Behind the scenes we upgraded to faster, more reliable server software, though you likely won't see much of that. Stay tuned for more fun stuff that's in the works.  We should have another release coming very shortly.  

Oh, and you might not have seen the new email format because of a bug that we had, it was only sending to a small fraction of our users.  Click this link to turn emails back on.  It's a simple 1-click from the new mail to turn them back off if you don't find them valuable, so give it a shot!

Cheers from the folks at daytender.